Wednesday 1 April 2009

There must have been a day when Ming The Merciless or the Emperor off of Star Wars woke up and thought “Wouldn’t it be brilliant if I ruled a galaxy?”. Well, the same thing happened to me one day when I awoke with desires of i
ntergalactic supremacy. So I skipped my bowl of Frosties and headed straight for instead to name a galaxy after myself – for free!

Click on the link here or glance below to see my certificate and the touching dedication to myself on it.....

And just to prove it even further, if you click on the link here or glance below you'll see my interstellar receipt.

Maybe one day I could create a ‘Stephen Alan Yorke Intergalactic Tourist Board’ to encourage aliens to spend their annual summer holiday in me. I could beam an ad campaign out into space around January, as that’s when they’re most likely to be thinking of booking up.

If you click on the link here and also on the link here you can see my galaxy pinpointed on a couple of online star-charts, but it's a bit of a let-down to be honest. (See below).

There's nothing there, like most areas of space it's largely baron. It's just black, surrounded by more black in the middle of a big load of black. But, to an alien a holiday in a vast expanse of nothingness could be like going to Ibiza.

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